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Joint Approval of Ten Million Pesos for Bangsamoro Agriculture and Fisheries Training Institute (BAFTI) by the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform (CAFAR) and Committee on Finance, Budget and Management (CFBM)

Joint Approval of Ten Million Pesos for Bangsamoro Agriculture and Fisheries Training Institute (BAFTI) by the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform (CAFAR) and Committee on Finance, Budget and Management (CFBM)

Last Friday, February 23, 2024, significant progress was made in the development of the Bangsamoro Region as the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform, chaired by MP Matarul M. Estino, and the Committee on Finance, Budget, and Management, led by Vice Chair MP Engr. Baintan A. Ampatuan jointly approved an initial amount of Ten Million Pesos (₱ 10,000,000.00) for the establishment of the Bangsamoro Agriculture and Fisheries Training Institute (BAFTI).

As an attached institution to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform (MAFAR) through the leadership of Minister Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., BAFTI aims to lead the implementation of specialized training and short courses related to agriculture and fisheries. This initiative will contribute to the region’s economic growth, create employment opportunities, and foster sustainable agricultural practices. BAFTI’s primary objective is to promote agriculture and fisheries to alleviate poverty and ensure food sufficiency in the Bangsamoro region.

This joint approval by the Committees marks a significant milestone in the development of the Bangsamoro region; it lays the foundation for a brighter future for the region’s agriculture and fisheries sectors, ultimately benefiting the people of Bangsamoro. This financial support demonstrates a commitment to addressing the needs of the BARMM community and promoting sustainable growth through agriculture and fisheries.

The Ten Million Pesos (₱ 10,000,000.00) allocated for BAFTI’s establishment is a significant investment in the future of the region. It will help create a skilled workforce capable of addressing the challenges faced in the agricultural and fisheries sectors, leading to a more prosperous and self-sufficient Bangsamoro region.

Office of MP Mohammad S. Yacob


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