Philippines Standard Time:

READ| Member of Parliament (MP) Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., representing the Government of the Day, delivered a privilege speech before the members of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform (CAFAR) meeting for the proposed bill no. 42

READ| Member of Parliament (MP) Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., representing the Government of the Day, delivered a privilege speech before the members of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform (CAFAR) meeting for the proposed bill no. 42 entitled “AN ACT STRENGTHENING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS IN THE BANGSAMORO REGION AND PROVIDING FUNDS THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES,” introduced by the Government of the Day on April 24, 2024, at the Committee Conference Room, Carumba Building, Cotabato City.
In his speech, MP Yacob acknowledges the contributions of Bangsamoro farmers and fisherfolk in the region and highlights the challenges in agriculture.
“We gather here today, not only to discuss the pressing issues in agriculture but also to celebrate our blessings—the safety, security, and nourishment provided by our farmers and fisherfolk. However, we cannot ignore the fact that agriculture has faced challenges; we hear over and over again that agriculture has been in a state of decline. This decline is the responsibility of the government to address. It is our responsibility as a government to address these issues. One of the significant obstacles to agricultural growth in our region is the lack of proper irrigation systems.” Yacob said.
Following this, he presented the bill to the committee members, emphasizing the urgent need to address the lack of irrigation systems in the Bangsamoro Region to support the farmers, as well as the government’s responsibility to intervene and provide the necessary support for agricultural development in the region.
“Despite the law’s clear mandate, we still do not have our Regional Irrigation Office to serve our farmers. I believe it is our time that such responsibility for our Bangsamoro farmers must be given intervention, for we are the government that is most responsive to our constituents. It is high time we take action and provide the necessary intervention for our Bangsamoro farmers. I am proud to present the bill titled “An Act Strengthening Irrigation Systems in the Bangsamoro Region.” This bill aims to establish a separate and distinct government body under the Bangsamoro Government, in close collaboration with the National Irrigation Authority, to address the issue of irrigation.” He added.
He ended his speech by appealing to the members of the CAFAR to work on the passage of the bill that will surely help in addressing the challenges faced by the farmers.
“This bill will help us all sustain our blessings of food and, more importantly, help the marginalized farmers. I am appealing to all of us BTA members to help me in addressing this solvable problem and to help us in passing this bill.” He quoted.
Currently, the National Irrigation Administration does not have a regional office in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), and the Bangsamoro Government does not have its distinct entity or agency dedicated to irrigation. Currently, the autonomous territory is being served by the regional offices of the NIA in the respective provinces. The National Irrigation Administration (NIA) Region XII supports the province of Maguindanao through its local office in Maguindanao. Lanao Del Sur is under the jurisdiction of NIA Region X, while the island provinces of Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, and Basilan fall under the jurisdiction of NIA Regional Office IX.

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JUST IN| The Bangsamoro Transition Authority Parliament approved the Proposed Bill No. 39, “An Act Establishing the Bangsamoro Agriculture and Fisheries Training Institute, Appropriating Funds therefor and for other Purposes,” during the Third Regular Session No. 68 of the BTA- Parliament today, July 17, 2024.

JUST IN| The Bangsamoro Transition Authority Parliament approved the Proposed Bill No. 39, “An Act Establishing the Bangsamoro Agriculture and Fisheries Training Institute, Appropriating Funds therefor and for other Purposes,”


JUST IN| The Office of the Member of Parliament (MP) Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., through its Medical Outreach Program (MOP) allocation under the Ministry of Health (MOH), has successfully turned over a Php1,000,000.00 worth of cheque intended for hospital assistance to Bangsamoro Doctors Hospital (BMDH) today, July 8, 2024, in Cotabato City.