Philippines Standard Time:

Looking forward to a stable Bangsamoro homeland and secured constituents through legislation.

Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D. Member of the Bangsamoro Parliament

MOHAMMAD SHUAIB YACOB, Ph.D. was born in Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao on April 30, 1970, to the spouses Maslamama Yacob and Salama Omar. He graduated elementary from Al-Islaah Elementary School in the year 1981 and then finished his secondary education at Ma’had Kutawato Al Islamie in the year 1986.

He earned his college degree of Bachelor of Science in Shariah Law from International Islamic University, Madinah Al Munawarah, KSA, and then proceeded to study Master’s in Public Administration at Cotabato City State Polytechnic College. Finally, in the year 2013, he has conferred the title of Doctor of Philosophy from the same institution.

Mr. Yacob is the former Executive Director of the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA) for 9 years, an organization established in accordance with the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation, and Development Aspect of GPH-MILF Tripoli Agreement of June 2001.

BDA is known as the development arm of the MILF. The agency is mandated to lead, determine and manage relief and rehabilitation in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao. Among its mandates are (1) to determine, lead, and manage relief, rehabilitation, and development in the conflict-affected areas in Mindanao; (2) to act as donor and development coordinating unit of the MILF and (3) to continue the formulation of the Bangsamoro Development Plan (BDP).

He served as the Executive Director in the year 2010 until his appointment as a member of the Parliament and as head of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform (MAFAR). Mr. Yacob also served as a Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Cotabato City State Polytechnic College and as Shari’ah Advisor of Al-Amanah Investment Islamic Bank.

He is a member of various associations and organizations such as the Institute of Bangsamoro Studies Hay’atul Ulama of the Philippines and the Bangsamoro Leadership and Management Institute.

He has been invited to be the resource speaker on numerous occasions such as Conference on Decentralization for Peace and Development Programs by Local Government Unit, the Regional Conference on Inclusive and Right-Based Education organized by UNESCO, in the Launching of the 2015 State of World Population Report, the Fiscal Accountability of Public Officials and many more.