Philippines Standard Time:

Goals and Objectives


Empowered and morally motivated workforce.

Transparent and proper utilization of resources.

Functional and adaptable legislative system and processes.

Informed and consulted Bangsamoro.


To enhance the capacity of the staff on legislative and political processes;

To provide a conducive working environment;

To instill the values and principles of moral governance among the staff;

To ensure rational allocation and accountability in the utilization of resources;

To ensure strict compliance with COA auditing and accounting rules and regulations;

To ensure active participation in the conduct of committee meetings;
To strengthen the committee on agriculture, fisheries, and agrarian reform;

To provide support to relevant bills and resolutions proposed by other members of the Parliament;

To ensure proper dissemination of information through quad media ;

To educate the Bangsamoro people on food security and nutrition and instill moral governance; and

To establish and strengthen mechanisms in generating issues/concerns in the community.