Philippines Standard Time:

Committee Membership

The Committee on Ethics and Privileges exercise jurisdiction over all matters relating to the duties, conduct, rights, privileges, immunities, integrity, and reputation of the BTA and its Members. It carries out independent, objective, and impartial investigations into complaints against the Members of the BTA.

The Blue Ribbon Committee exercises jurisdiction over all matters including, but not limited to, investigation of malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in office committed by officers and employees of the Bangsamoro Government, the local government units and other instrumentalities thereof.

It shall have jurisdiction on all matters relating to agriculture, food and agricultural production, agri-business, agricultural research and technology, agricultural education, including extension services, agricultural experimental and nursery stations, soil survey and conservation, irrigation, animal husbandry and quarantine, crop and livestock production, farm credit and farm security, insurance and guarantee programs, agricultural support prices, fisheries and aquatic resources, fresh water and fisheries culture, research and technology, and fisheries education and training. It shall exercise jurisdiction on all matters relating to the implementation of the agrarian reform law, either passed by the Congress or the BTA and which are applicable in the Bangsamoro including support for agrarian reform beneficiaries.

It shall have jurisdiction over all matters relating to education, schools, universities, colleges, Madrasah, welfare of teachers and students, and alternative learning system including special, non-formal and technical education and trainings.

It shall exercise jurisdiction on all matters relating to Muslim personal, family, and property relations provided for under Presidential Decree no. 1083, concluding commercial, other civil actions and criminal jurisdiction which the Parliament has power to legislate on as provided under Republic Act. no. 11054 (as amended by BTA Resolution No. 50)

It shall have jurisdiction on all matters relating to the finance, preparation and management of budget and the appropriation of funds for the operations of the Bangsamoro Government including its expenditures, payment of public indebtedness, claims against the Bangsamoro Government, inter-governmental revenue sharing, and in general, all matters relating to public expenditures. The work of the Committee on Budget and Appropriations includes the scrutiny of the internal budget of the BTA, its budget preparation, submission, approval, and execution.

It shall have jurisdiction on all matters relating to land, sea, and air transportations, including seaports, airports, and other systems of transportation, all lighthouses, postal, telegraph, radio, cable, television, telephone and other communication services.