READ| The Office of Member of the Parliament (MP) Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., has successfully distributed 60 sacks of rice, each weighing 25 kilograms, to the 20 household families who lost their homes in a large fire in Barangay Salimbao, Sultan Kuda

READ| The Office of Member of the Parliament (MP) Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., has successfully distributed 60 sacks of rice, each weighing 25 kilograms, to the 20 household families who lost their homes in a large fire in Barangay Salimbao, Sultan Kuda

READ| The Office of Member of the Parliament (MP) Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., has successfully distributed 60 sacks of rice, each weighing 25 kilograms, to the 20 household families who lost their homes in a large fire in Barangay Salimbao, Sultan Kudarat on January 18, 2024. The distribution aims to provide immediate relief and support […]