READ| The Office of the Member of Parliament (MP) Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., has successfully turned over two (2) packages of goat farming to the identified beneficiaries from the municipalities of Talayan and Datu Abdullah Sangki, Maguindanao del Sur

READ| The Office of the Member of Parliament (MP) Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., has successfully turned over two (2) packages of goat farming to the identified beneficiaries from the municipalities of Talayan and Datu Abdullah Sangki, Maguindanao del Sur

READ| The Office of the Member of Parliament (MP) Mohammad S. Yacob, Ph.D., has successfully turned over two (2) packages of goat farming to the identified beneficiaries from the municipalities of Talayan and Datu Abdullah Sangki, Maguindanao del Sur, on July 20, 2023. Said goat farming package includes fifty (50) heads of native goat, eight […]